About r

musician, songwriter, performer, producer, publisher, hoopy frood

race pride

yesterday on tv i saw a man win a running race at the Olympics, with a slower time than someone else had won the race some years previous. he was extremely proud that he had won, and showed his extreme pride in two ways:

first, he ripped his nametag off of his uniform and ran around holding it up for the world to see. the name he is so proud of originated from the family that had enslaved his ancestors.

second, he ran around wrapped in the flag of the nation he resides in. the flag he is so proud of represents a nation that has never stopped oppressing and murdering people of his racial background.

the man’s show of pride was far more interesting than the race, in my opinion.


a lifetime ago, my friend lester and i were talking about computer programming. he was interested but did not know the basic concepts, and he asked me if i could show him a program and explain it to him. when i got home i found a semi-practical C program i had hacked together earlier and put comments into it. when we next met i gave him a printout and a floppy, and explained every line. he asked all the right questions and picked it up very quickly. he spent the next half hour studying the printout, asking the occasional question. i do not know if he got the programming bug, as we did not get a chance for a follow-up.

lester was a highly intelligent considerate person with a quirky sense of humor. i miss him terribly and think about him often. happy birthday, lester.

// ansi compliant prime number generator written by r 10/1998
// quick & dirty (hard-coded array size, no bounds checking, etc.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

signed int main(void)
   signed int x,y,pcnt,primes[10000];
   div_t z;

   puts("calculating primes - please wait");
   primes[0]=2;  // store first prime
   primes[1]=3;  // store second prime
   pcnt=1;  // number of primes in array (starting at count 0 of course)
   for(x=5;x<20000;x+=2)  // check numbers up to 20000 for prime, skipping evens
      for(y=1;y<=pcnt;y++)  // y is the divisor
         z=div(x,primes[y]);  // do the math
         if(!z.rem)  // if there is no remainder,
            break;  // then this is not a prime
      if(y>pcnt)  // if we didn't break out above,
         primes[++pcnt]=x;  // then we have a prime, so store it and inc counter
   for(x=0;x<=pcnt;x++)  // we are done now; this loop prints out found primes
      printf("%4d: %d\n",x+1,primes[x]);
   return 0;  // fin

reasons i skipped the FOX super bowl

1. the awful, awful, AWFUL theme. the theme is run-away-screaming bad, and FOX plays it over and over and over again ad nauseam. rather than getting rid of it, FOX will always double down on it. the theme is reason enough not to watch FOX nfl… but wait, there’s lots more.

2. the affected pregame team. their phony tv personalities, their rehearsed smiles and laughter, their bullshit we-are-all-great-friends personas. howie long is the least affected, but even he-of-the-great-haircut is not immune.

3. the entire paper-thin pregame show. har-de-har-har and crying laughing, then cut to yet another skit, then more laughter and jokes, then a movie trailer, then more har-de-har-har, then yet another skit. i wanna see nfl news, FOX keeps showing bad nfl comedy.

4. overly commercial. yes, all of the nfl networks are overly commercial, but FOX is OVERLY overly commercial. that full-screen ad-serving robot, the constant product placement, the running of movie trailers during the paper-thin pregame show, the always-there big-ass pickup truck ad, and lots more, all while playing that scream-into-the-night shitty theme.

5. the inability to show correct game stats. FOX cannot consistently display the correct down, the correct number of yards, the correct time, the correct quarter, even the correct score. amateur 3 hours.

6. plastering full-screen cartoon caricatures on the screen whenever a team scores. yeah, good idea, block the scoring team celebration with more nightmare-fuel FOX animation.

7. it is the 21st century, yet whenever FOX shows a scroll at the bottom of the screen, all the players get short and fat. to this day, FOX has not figured out how to maintain aspect ratio when running a scroll. DAMN UNBELIEVABLE.

8. the game announcers… i will be kind and stop here.

VERY easy call to skip the FOX super bowl.


20 year anniversary of GTA3. incredible.

pictured are my PS3 GTA3 stats. long ago 100%ed GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas on the PS2, and Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories on the PSP. digitally repurchased them all for the PS3 and have already re-100%ed GTA3 and Vice City; currently working on San Andreas.

i’m gonna set aside building my second San Andreas ‘LEET’ save to play thru GTA3 again. have fun!

site is now live

www.priondream.com is now live. the adventure begins!

we are not expecting much, but after shelling out for a domain name, hosting, trademark fees, copyright fees, performing rights organization fees, and publishing admin fees, we will be happy just to get our money back.

all of the above entities (and more) are necessary to protect our rights and to potentially get paid; we will talk more about them in future posts.

please leave any feedback here (questions, suggestions, bugs, etc). we will keep adding new content, so keep checking back. thanks for stopping by!

almost there

“leave me – i love you not mix” (demo 20200101)

still working on the website, should be ready in a few days. in the meantime, a video. honest opinions are valued. also, please subscribe to the youtube channel (the red link on the right should do it…?), thanks.